Safety Is Our Highest Priority
When it comes to protecting our employees, their families, our customers and our suppliers, we will not compromise.
As such, we have embarked on a Journey to Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Excellence. Our goal is to become best in class when it comes to protecting our employees. We define Best in Class as having zero injuries or incidents that involve our employees and ensuring that we send our over 3,500 employees home safely to their families every day.
To reach our goals, we are going beyond the standard OSHA compliance and regulations and focusing on creating a culture within our organization that is focused on personal behavior, accountability and responsibility. Across our entire global network of offices, manufacturing and distribution facilities, we have conducted training that outlines the journey we are on and what we expect from each member of our Carlstar family. Each employee in our global organization is empowered to make safety a part of his or her daily job function and is encouraged to drive change throughout the company.
Business processes are critical for a company to succeed, but we feel that the relentless pursuit of a safe working environment is what helps company’s thrive.